Bash Script to Analyzing Disk Usage

# fquota - Disk quota analysis tool for Unix.
# Assumes that all user accounts are >= UID 100.


for name in $(cut -d: -f1,3 /etc/passwd | awk -F: '$2 > 99 {print $1}')
echo -n "User $name exceeds disk quota. Disk usage is: "
# You might need to modify the following list of directories to match
# the layout of your disk. Most likely change: /Users to /home
find / /usr /var /Users -user $name -xdev -type f -ls | \
awk '{ sum += $7 } END { print sum / (1024*1024) " Mbytes" }'

done | awk "\$9 > $MAXDISKUSAGE { print \$0 }"

exit 0

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