how to encrypt your scripts using sch

Dont want to give your scripts to any one but want to give someone to execute for specific period of time then this is what you are looking for .
We can also give timeline in which the script can be used.

Also you will not be revealing you passwords in the script.

SCH will encrypt shell scripts using RC4 and make executable binary.

shc [ -e date ] [ -m addr ] [ -i iopt ] [ -x cmnd ]
[ -l lopt ] [ -ACDhTv ] -f script

shc -e date ( script will not run afterdate specified )
-m "Please contact support " (message to display after we run the expired scirpt)

shc -e 01/06/2010 -m "You are late to run this script." -f


I have tried to hack the encrypted binary that came as output, but was not successful
I used bashdb and GDB

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